Once the item is shipped from my studio it is in the hands of the United States Postal Service. I am not responsible for any delays by them, weather or otherwise. All packages include tracking and items over $50 are insured. Items over $175 will include signature confirmation.
Please contact me directly as soon as your item has been delivered. Damages are handled on a case by case basis depending on the item that was ordered.
Please contact me as soon as you notice, I can typically change it before I ship. Shipping to wrong addresses is handled on a case by case basis. Please be aware, that I may not be able to refund/recreate/send another item to you. Please make sure your address is accurate at checkout to avoid any issues or delays.
You are responsible for any import taxes and fees that may occur outside of the United States. Please note, OmniFeral is not responsible for any delays due to customs. Please be aware of what is allowed within your country of origin. Items from my store featuring real animal parts will not be shipped outside of the United States.
OmniFeral takes no responsibility in what is shipped to your location. It is up to the buyer of any art pieces with animal parts to know what can or can't be sent to their area. If you are confused about what is allowed in your location, please see this amazing guild on Animal Parts Laws, written by The Green Wolf. US Federal Laws US State Laws. I do not ship items with animal parts outside of the USA at this time.